
The EnviroMon data logging system allows you to monitor and record current 24/7 for total peace of mind.

The EnviroMon system a wired data logging & recording system. It consists a central data recording module, the Data Logger, which once configured, can then either be left connected to a computer to see live readings, or it can be disconnected from the computer and then later connected back to download the recorded data.

Current Monitoring - Data Loggers

Current Monitoring - Convertors


The EL006 is an audible alarm that is triggered when alarm thresholds are configured in EnviroMon. The EL042 is a more advanced alarm, that can switch 3 relays when an alarm threshold is configured as well as an audible alarm. The EL019 is a speech dialler unit which can be coupled with the EL042 alarm relay unit to dial a list of telephone numbers and play a recorded message when an alarm has been breached.

Current Monitoring - Sensors & Clamps