
EL040 Current Convertor

EL040 Current Convertor

The EL040 Current Convertor can accept 3 current clamps to measure AC current.

Part Number 018-129 Category



The EL040 current converter allows you to monitor your energy usage habits 24/7 on a minute by minute basis. It can be used at home to measure your single phase feed or in a factory measuring all three phases. Using this you can save money by knowing how much current is being used throughout the day and night.

The EL040 enables an EnviroMon network to monitor three AC current signals. AC current clamps or current transformers are used to provide an input to the EL040. The EnviroMon can then be used to monitor current consumption or produce alarm conditions when consumption rises above or falls below preset limits.

EL040 Current Monitor Specifications
Number of channels 3
Sensor type Current clamp
Max. input voltage 1 V RMS AC
Input Impedance >1 MΩ
Frequency range 20 Hz to 1 kHz
Accuracy ± 1% (0 to 200 mV)*
± 2.5% (200 mV to 1 V)
Operating temperature 0 °C to +70 °C
Compliance  CE (EMC)
Input connector 4 mm banana

*When using a 200 Amp current clamp which measures 1 Amp per mV.